lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

... los de Esquimalt ayudan a Santa Clauss

CFB Esquimalt helps track Santa's route


It’s official.

Santa is on his way, and rest assured that if he needs help once he flies into B.C. tonight (Dec. 24), he’ll be in good hands.

While the wee ones lay tucked in their beds, Capt. Dominique Lassonde of the Canadian Air Force will remain on alert at CFB Esquimalt. The pilot, together with Coast Guard officials, will keep watch for the man in red over computer screens at the Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre at CFB Esquimalt.

“We’re ready,” the seasoned air force pilot says. “But Santa’s been doing this since the 16th century and he hasn’t hit anything. I’m sure he keeps his equipment upgraded.”

The high-tech rescue centre organizes air, marine and land rescue efforts anytime a distress call comes in for B.C. and the Yukon, and up to 1,500 kilometres out into the Pacific Ocean. It’s Lassonde’s job to co-ordinate air rescues.

The team works in conjunction with North American Aerospace Defence Command, which provides surveillance on hundreds of ships and planes approaching the continent.

For more than 50 years, NORAD Santa trackers have been keeping watch for Mr. Claus. They spend Christmas Eve answering phones and responding to e-mails from children wanting to know where Santa is.

“We could get a call from NORAD that Blitzen has a sore leg, and they have to put down somewhere,” Lassonde explains of a possible emergency scenario.

Numerous military aircraft, ships and Coast Guard vessels can be called upon at a moment’s notice to assist the jolly old elf and his nine reindeer.

“It’s exciting,” Lassonde says of his job. “I get to be here when the kids get their toys and in case Santa needs help. It’s all about the kids.”

For updates on Santa’s Christmas Eve journey, please visit Children are also invited to call NORAD headquarters toll-free at 1-877-446-6723, or e-mail

... pimentones rojos, ajo, cebolla larga y cabezona picadas y doradas en mantequilla...

... le agregue arvejas, zanahorias, tallos de brocoli...

... los camarones...

... una salsa de soya, jengibre, orégano, pasta de tomate y pimienta...
... todo se mezcla... se le agregan las cabezas del brocoli....

... todo listooooo!!
... la masa de maiz, la moldeo
... le pongo el relleno encima de una de las tapas...

... la cubro con la otra tapa... y la corto bien redondita...

... las frito...

... y listas... para unas buenas onces o las loncheras de los chicos!

... pan viejo y reduro... siempre hay pedazos de ese pan en casa....

... los pongo a remojar en agua/leche...

... lo desmenuzo con las manos y le agrego, mantequilla, uvas pasas, ciruelas pasas, azúcar al gusto...como 1/2 taza... una copita de licor, nuez moscada, huevo batido...

... meterla al horno ...

hasta que este doradita...

y listooo... torta de pan recién horneadita...!!!

domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

Mensaje Navideño de la Reina de Canada

Mensaje de la Reina de Canada... que por si las dudas, es la misma de Inglaterra....

lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2010

...lomo de cerdo con salsa de piña!

... cocinar pedazos de piña en agua...
... añadirle azúcar morena o mejor aún panela!!!

... agregarle una cucharada de maizena, clavos de olor, nuez moscada y 1/2 cubo de caldo de pollo

... y listo!!! ... lomo de cerdo con salsa de piña!
domingo, 19 de diciembre de 2010

...corazoncitos de hojaldre y naranja!!!

... son una delicia y tenia ganas de prepararlos desde hace muuuucho tiempo...

... rallo la piel de una naranja...

... la mezclo con azúcar...

... los famosos rollitos de masa de hojaldre (puffy pastry) que consigo en la superstore por algo mas de 3 dolares...
... los corto en dos mitades...

... le unto una capa de mantequilla por encima...
... les unto el azúcar "anaranjada"

... enrollo cada punta del rectángulo ...
y voy acercandome cada vez mas hacia el centro ...

en el centro me aseguro que quede bien plegada y enrollada la masa...

... repito lo mismo con la otra mitad de la masa de hojaldre...

... les envuelvo en el mismo papel y los meto a la nevera por 30 minutos mas o menos... no al congelador, solo a la nevera!!!
... los saco y corto pedacitos de mas o menos 8 m.m.

... los pongo a hornear a 425ºC por mas o menos 14 minutos o hasta que estén doraditos...

... y listo!!!

... a disfrutar!!!!
sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2010

...spaghettis con pollo y verduras

... dore en mantequilla cebolla larga y cabezona picadas, ajo picado, apio picado, arvejas...

... le agregue la zanahoria rallada, el pollo desmenuzado, sal, pimienta, un cubito de caldo de gallina, un chorrioncito de cerveza, laurel, tomillo y orégano, cuatro cucharadas de pasta de tomate ( no salsa de tomate, sino pasta!) ...

... mientras tanto en otra olla cocine los spaghettis..

...y ralle el queso ....

... todo mezclado y listo!!

jueves, 16 de diciembre de 2010

Pastelitos de Atún

... estos moldecitos son una delicia de hacer y rapidísimos... para unas oncecitas en casa....

... atún y huevo batido....

... se pica la cebolla cabezona y el pimentón rojo...

... se mezclan con huevo batido y el atún.... yo le agregue una cucharada de caldo de pollo en polvo, pimienta, sal, un poco de picante y dos cucharadas de queso crema...

... con esa mezcla se rellenan los moldecitos de harina... en este caso los compre en la superstore... 30 por menos de 4 dolares... pero igual se pueden hacer en casa... mezclando harina de trigo con mantequilla y sal... y forrando los moldecitos de aluminio...

... los meto al horno en "bake" a 375ºC por 20 minutos o hasta que los bordes de la masa ya estén doraditos...

... y listos!!!

miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010

Royal Theatre - Nadem Band

... Yesterday night, I had the amazing opportunity to attend the Christmas Concert with the Nadem Band at the Royal Theatre at Victoria, BC... happened that I was in the city ...

... anyway... the concert was wonderful... the musicians, the speaker, the singers, the show, the place...even the weather!!...

... but as always happen... no everything is perfect... usually there is a dark spot that brokes the perfection... and last night was not the exception... usually I don't use this space to complaint others behaviours... but I was encouraged to do... and I really feel I shall do it!!!

... I am a person that respect laws and policies... on the theatre are signs stating that recording is not allowed...nothing about cameras or photos... althought that I asked to the ushiers and they said to me that there was not problem at all for taking photos... photos are allowed if they are taken without flash... I was OK with that... and I behave following that policy... I took few shots without flash....


... the ushier from the right wing of the second floor, aproached to me and reprended me because I was broken the rules... I said to her that I asked... although the signs never prohibited photos and besides I was not the only one... we were at least a dozen persons taken pictures and most of them were using flash... I was not!!!

... anyway... I was so upset, I was almost in tears... that was not fair to me... that makes me feel like discriminated and that feeling was increased during the rest of the concert because it was full of flashes from other cameras all around the theatre... at all times!!!

... at the end of the concert, I just want to tell everyone that the Royal Theatre should have consistency with its policies or at least train its employees about the equity delivery service to the customers...

... or at least state at the beginning of the show that the photos are prohibited... so people don't get confused and feel discriminated as I was!

... when we were walking away from our seats, I just couldn't avoid to take some shots of that lady... I won't post a neat and clear one... but at least this blurry one...
....just for feel a kind of relief of what she made me feel last night... I don't know if was because I am not as white and pale as she is... or just because my accent, or whatever reason she had against me... but at least I have a real reason against her...

I was not broken a rule... I was not disrespectful... I was not ignorant... I was just acting like any other person at the place...
... when my husband has to stand up from his seat to be honoured as other colleagues I saw many people taking pictures and I was punished and prevented to do the same...

...once again... was it fair???
... Changüa!!!

Una receta difícil que le guste a los que no son del altiplano cundiboyacense... lo siento, pero a mi me fascina!!!

... leche, agua, sal, cebolla larga, cebolla cabezona, tallos de cilantro... se ponen a cocinar...

cuando hierve se le agrega una cucharadita de mantequilla para evitar que se peguen los huevos que se le agregan...
cuando el huevo esta al gusto... sirve la changüita para el desayuno

...con un picadito de cebolla larga, cilantro, perejil...

... achiras ...hmmm... una taza de changüa con huevo, queso rallado y pan tostado (en reemplazo del famoso y tan añorado calado)... y pan hojaldrado en reemplazo de una almojabanita...
lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Camarones con Coco y Pique!!

... hoy para un almuerzo rapidito... prepare camarones en salsa de coco con un poquitito de picante..

...superfacil... descongele los camarones con un poquito de mantequilla y ajo picado...
... los bañe en leche de coco, sal, pimienta, sal, aji (picante al gusto)....... 5 minutitos y servirlos con perejil picado...

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