ademas esta es la época del año en que mi trabajo me mantiene taaaaaaan ocupada que no tengo oportunidad de parar 5 minutos para almorzar... así que hoy me forzaron a salir almorzar... ademas había un gran molde de ensalada y no pude resistirme....

así que mi hora de almuerzo fue muy agradable... pues para completar me senté al aire
libre... aun mi árbol preferido esta sin hojas y el pasto no esta mullido ni limpio como para arriesgarmele....
peroooo fue un almuerzo deseado por muchos meses de frío y crudo invierno...
estando lejos de la oficina.... tuve oportunidad de pensar taaaantas cosas... de la familia... de los proyectos... de recordar muchas de las ideas que han rondado mi cabeza en los últimos meses... la innumerable lista de situaciones que me he enterado y como mi mente, mi cuerpo y mi corazón se han ido adaptando a cada una de las revelaciones y sorpresivas noticias que me llegan....
y en medio de toda esa pensadera... me acorde de un email que recibí en estos días....
normalmente no tengo tiempo de mirar los "forward" y siempre se van quedando rezagados para aquel día que nunca llega en el que tenga tiempo de mirarlos....
mi rutina con los emails es... mirar los importantes... o sea.... familia y amigos (mensajes personales).... leer los dos o tres de las suscripciones que tengo.... mirar los de los gráficos que recibo... archivarlos en donde corresponde.... y si hay tiempo, revisar rápidamente por nombres y títulos por si alguno me llama la atención... digo... ya sea por titulo impactante, o la relación entre titulo y el que lo envía... pues en una de esos filtros... abrí uno.... que no solo me impacto el contenido, sino que me dejo aterrada la idea de que mi amig@ (dejemos en duda si fue un amiguito o una amiguita) que me lo envió, o no tenga nada que hacer y mantenga en tal aburrimiento que tuvo que enviarme semejante cosa como para pasar sus días... o si es que anda tan ocupad@ y cansad@ que no fue capaz de ponerle un poco de sentido común al susodicho email....
hablaba de la industria china que muchas veces nos ha sorprendido por utilizar materia prima no adecuada... en este caso, decía que eran condones usados y lavados, para crear el alma de las coletas que usamos las mujeres para agarrarnos el cabello en cola de caballo....
lo que primero pensé...
es como alguien puede creerse semejante idea...
es que los chinos, tienen recipientes de reciclaje de condones, como hay recipientes de reciclaje de envases plásticos, de papel y de baterías???
los recipientes están en cada casa y se sacan el mismo de recolección de basura???
o hay depósitos colectivos, como los que hay en enero para los arboles de navidad o en noviembre para las calabazas que se desechan después del halloween???
o cada uno guarda los condones usados en una bolsita y cuando la llena va y la lleva a un lugar donde le pagan por ayudar al medio ambiente???
en fin...
me imagine a los adolescentes guardando sus tesoros usados, en otro bolsillo de la billetera, donde guardan los no usados... y ahí de que los padres les pillen la prueba de que están jugando a ser adultos....
me imagine también a los recicladores en la noche escarbando las basuras del vecindario, en busca de la materia prima para la miniempresa familiar que hace coletas para enviar al mundo occidental...
y así un sin fin de ideas locas que me hacían reír y volver a imaginarme a mi amiguit@ preocupadísim@ revisando las coletas de su hija adolescente...
aaaaaaahiiiii mi querid@ y viej@ amiguit@..... hace tanto que no te veo en persona que ya no te reconozco en los emails que mandas.....
Today has been a beautiful day in this part of the world….
Warmer temps, sunny day, a little bit of wind… it is one of those days when we can see contrasts... people wearing beach fashion and people (as me) wearing sweater and wool pantyhose… but not the winter coats I used few days ago…
….plus this is the time of the year that my work keeps me sooooo busy that sometime I cannot manage time to be away from my desk at least 5 minutes to take a lunch… therefore… today I was forced to go away and take my lunch time… also, there was a huge bowl of salad for which I couldn’t resist…
so… my lunchtime was awesome… although my favourite tree is still without leaves and the grass is still dry and crunchy and I couldn’t sit on it… I took my lunch outside as I want for the long and never lasting winter months….
Being away from my desk… I had the opportunity to think in sooooo many things…. Family… projects…. Recall many of the ideas that have been surrounding me during the last months… the not ending list of situations have learned and how my mind, my body and my heart have been adapting to each one of the surprised news I have received…
And in the middle of those thoughts…. I recall an email I received in this week….
Generally I don’t have time to look the “forwards” and they are always left in a folder waiting for the day I will have enough free time to go through them….
My routine is go for the important ones (family and friends personal messages)…when I have finished with them… read a couple from my subscription lists… look the graphics I received…put them in the right folder…
Aaaaaaaaaand if I have time, look as fast as possible for the titles and the senders of the rest of the emails… sometimes, the title... sometimes the sender… sometimes the combination of both (title and sender) makes me curious and I open the message….. these days I opened one that called my attention…but more impacting to me was not the content but the idea of my friend who sent it… is that my friends life is so bored that he/she has to filled out sending silly emails to her/his contacts… or is her/his life so busy, she/he is so exhausted that she/he is unable to use the common sense….
The email talked about the Chinese industry that sometimes is not as clean and regulated as should be.. and in this case, told us that Chinese people is using used condoms as raw materials for the ponytails rubber rings…
My first thought was….
How a person can give credibility to it??
I am wondering if the Chinese’s have recycled bins for used condoms, as the plastic recycle bins or the paper recycle bins or the batteries recycled bins…
Are those recipients in each household and they are disposed on the same scheduled garbage day?? Or there is recycle depots, like the ones for the Christmas trees on January or for the pumpkins after Halloween??
Or it is that each condom user kept them in a bag and when it is full of items, the bag is delivered in a special office where they pay back for it as appreciation for being nice with the environment??
So on…
Also I imagine the teenagers keeping their treasured used condoms in a different pocket from the one where the brand new condoms are… but having care of not been compromised for their parents who believe their children are still children and are not playing adult games….
Also I imagine the recyclermen at nights peeking on the neighborhoud garbage’s looking for the raw material needed on the family business….
So on… I have a not ending list of crazy ideas …. At the end I thought of my friend in a worried look not allowing her teen girl to use ponytail rubber rings…
Aaaaaaayayayayyay my lovely and old friend…. It is long time I have not see you that I truly believe I’m not longer recognize you from the emails you send to me….

Warmer temps, sunny day, a little bit of wind… it is one of those days when we can see contrasts... people wearing beach fashion and people (as me) wearing sweater and wool pantyhose… but not the winter coats I used few days ago…
….plus this is the time of the year that my work keeps me sooooo busy that sometime I cannot manage time to be away from my desk at least 5 minutes to take a lunch… therefore… today I was forced to go away and take my lunch time… also, there was a huge bowl of salad for which I couldn’t resist…
so… my lunchtime was awesome… although my favourite tree is still without leaves and the grass is still dry and crunchy and I couldn’t sit on it… I took my lunch outside as I want for the long and never lasting winter months….
Being away from my desk… I had the opportunity to think in sooooo many things…. Family… projects…. Recall many of the ideas that have been surrounding me during the last months… the not ending list of situations have learned and how my mind, my body and my heart have been adapting to each one of the surprised news I have received…
And in the middle of those thoughts…. I recall an email I received in this week….
Generally I don’t have time to look the “forwards” and they are always left in a folder waiting for the day I will have enough free time to go through them….
My routine is go for the important ones (family and friends personal messages)…when I have finished with them… read a couple from my subscription lists… look the graphics I received…put them in the right folder…
Aaaaaaaaaand if I have time, look as fast as possible for the titles and the senders of the rest of the emails… sometimes, the title... sometimes the sender… sometimes the combination of both (title and sender) makes me curious and I open the message….. these days I opened one that called my attention…but more impacting to me was not the content but the idea of my friend who sent it… is that my friends life is so bored that he/she has to filled out sending silly emails to her/his contacts… or is her/his life so busy, she/he is so exhausted that she/he is unable to use the common sense….
The email talked about the Chinese industry that sometimes is not as clean and regulated as should be.. and in this case, told us that Chinese people is using used condoms as raw materials for the ponytails rubber rings…
My first thought was….
How a person can give credibility to it??
I am wondering if the Chinese’s have recycled bins for used condoms, as the plastic recycle bins or the paper recycle bins or the batteries recycled bins…
Are those recipients in each household and they are disposed on the same scheduled garbage day?? Or there is recycle depots, like the ones for the Christmas trees on January or for the pumpkins after Halloween??
Or it is that each condom user kept them in a bag and when it is full of items, the bag is delivered in a special office where they pay back for it as appreciation for being nice with the environment??
So on…
Also I imagine the teenagers keeping their treasured used condoms in a different pocket from the one where the brand new condoms are… but having care of not been compromised for their parents who believe their children are still children and are not playing adult games….
Also I imagine the recyclermen at nights peeking on the neighborhoud garbage’s looking for the raw material needed on the family business….
So on… I have a not ending list of crazy ideas …. At the end I thought of my friend in a worried look not allowing her teen girl to use ponytail rubber rings…
Aaaaaaayayayayyay my lovely and old friend…. It is long time I have not see you that I truly believe I’m not longer recognize you from the emails you send to me….
4 comentarios:
Esa ensalada se me antojo! y estar en el árbol creo q mas jajaja y lo de los fwd y todo lo q haces amiga!! como te da tiempo?
ja,ja,ja. Mira que me has hecho reir con la reflexion sobre el " reciclaje " de los preservativos.
aaaayyy Sylvia... mira quien habla...
si es que yo necesito que me mandes la suscripcion a las hadas que te ayudan a hacer el millon de cosas que haces a diario y fuer ade eso seguir sonriendo...
Marisinaaaaaa.... me alegro que te hayas reído de mis pensaderas.... hoy pensaba y si ponen un deposito de condones usados en un motel... entonces la esposa le puede decir la marido... uyy te vieron en el motel... y el va a decir..ohhh si...el jefe me pidio que despues del trabajo pasara por alli y depositara una bolsita... que es que el no ha tenido tiempo... y jajaja... la esposa le va a creer ... JURA!!!
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