y siempre.... siempre he pensado que yo no me veo tan china como me ven...
pero también en estos últimos meses he sabido que no soy la única de la familia con ese rasgo...
son genes que se transmiten y por lo pronto, parece que viene de varias generaciones atrás...
asi como el de la comisura de los labios hacia abajo, como si me costara trabajo sonreír.... (bueno, casi... casi...), un ojo mas chiquito que el otro... las piernas gorditas.... el ceño marcado en la frente....
y así una interminable lista de rasgos que si es cierto que siempre estuvieron presentes,
en el ultimo año han sido muy evidentes....
y muchos otros que causan curiosidad como tipos de sangre, tendencias a ciertas debilidades físicas, padecimientos, enfermedades, problemas de visión, dentales... (donde empezó el post de hoy!!)

Así mismo, justamente ayer (buenooo ... esta bien ... lo confieso... esta madrugada...), hablaba con Luis y Jorge Enrique de los parecidos entre hermanos y padre ... y sin ahondar mucho en el tema, hoy me pongo a pensar en que también se comparten genes especiales que favorecen habilidades concretas, preferencias, maneras de reaccionar (carácter y genios, eh?), gustos y disgustos... otro sinfín de ítems, del cual en mi caso, su análisis seria mas interesante debido a no haber recibido los mismos estímulos del ambiente en que mis hermanos y yo hemos crecido... y que sin embargo han estado presentes como características de la personalidad, el carácter, los gustos por ciertas actividades, la manera de reaccionar a situaciones en particular.... seria un proyecto de investigación apasionante...
Si me voy por la famosa ley de Mendel...
qué tanto de mi información genética comparto con mi familia???
50% con mi madre y 50% con mi padre?
con mis abuelos el 25%?
con mis hermanos ... seria el 50%? ..... pero como son hermanos de parte solo de padre... entonces seria solo el 25%? y si es asi, no se puede asegurar que ese 25% sea necesariamente del mismo 50% que yo comparto con mi padre...
o sea que de ese porcentaje podemos tener mas cantidad o menos cantidad de genes compartidos...
y ni me meto en el de la pensadera del parecido con los primos hermanos... con los que comparto el 25%... y con los primos segundos seria el 12.5% y con los primos terceros el 6.25%...
pero y que pasa con mis medias primas hermanas por parte de padre? con ellas tendría el 6.25%?
que locura de números y de ramas del árbol genealógico.... cierto???
y bueno sin irme a los números... solo a los gestos... mirando las fotos de mis hijos y de sus primos hermanos... no importa si son primos hermanos (lado paterno de mis hijos) o medio primos hermanos (lado materno de mis hijos, o sea mi lado) ... hay cantidad de rasgos que comparten... y en los que es difícil saber hasta que milímetro de la frente corresponde a un lado de la familia y desde que milímetro empiezan a compartirla con el otro lado de la familia, lo mismo las sonrisas, los gestos, incluso los movimientos que se adivinan en las fotos...
y excavando mas profundo... ver las fotos de los hijos de mis primos ... y en los que aun hay rasgos compartidos por mis hijos.... que vendrían siendo sus primos segundos.... o piiiiior aun... medios primos segundos....
la herencia esta impresa en lo mas profundo de nuestro ser, la trasmitimos inconscientemente de generacion en generación, es una marca inequívoca de nuestros genes, y es como un libro donde esta registrada toda la historia familiar...
que delicia poder leerla a fondo y con lujo de detalles...
vuelvo a repetir que la experiencia del contacto familiar es una completa delicia!!!
In my last meeting sitting on the couch in my dentist, I had a discussion with one of his assistants ... this time the girl with a Persian background was surprised when she learned that I am from Colombia ... she confessed that never would think it ... she was thinking that I look like froooomm.... she was not sure ... could be from some countries of Eastern ... China perhaps? Immediately I start to laugh ... she was ashamed ... so I have to explain to her that this is not the first time that someone has came to this conclusion ... and I told her two or three incidents like the one with my neighbors in San Diego, or the one about a Chinese girl, newcomer to Canada, happy to see me thinking that at least there was another Chinese in the classroom, or the one that spoke to me in (I guess was…) Mandarin in a bus ... and I was looking at her with my WHAT! face…. without knowing what to answer .... far away at school in Colombia I was the image of the eastern race beside Marcela Perilla ... even that at the school there were students who had eastern backgrounds ... the Chiku, for example ...
always.... I constantly thought that I don’t look as Chinese as they see me...
but in recent months I have learned that I am not the only from my family with this feature ...
There are some genes that have passed through us and have became visible from several generations ago ...
Such as the slant down of the mouth as if I hardly smile .... (well, almost ... almost ...), the smaller eye than the other ... fatty legs .... the marking on the forehead frown ....
So on, an endless list of features that have been always present on my physical appearance…
And during the last year have been very obvious ....
and many other characteristics that call my attention as blood type, tendency to physical weaknesses, ailment, diseases, vision problems, dental issues ... (from there this post started!)
Also, yesterday (weeell... ok ... I have to confess ... this early morning...), I was talking with Luis and Jorge Enrique about the similarities among father and siblings ... and today without going so deep in the subject, I think that some shared genes facilitate specific skills, preferences, ways to respond (character and temperament, eh?), likes and dislikes ... and other countless items, which from my point of view, their analysis would be more interesting because I have not received the same stimuli from the environment where my siblings grown up ... and still they have been present as features of our personalities, characters, predilections for certain activities, the way how we react to each situation in particular .... it would be a fascinating research project ...
If I go by the famous Mendel’s law ...
How much genetic information I share with my family?
50% with my mother and 50% with my father?
with my grandparents 25%?
with my brothers ... would be 50%? ..... but since they are brothers from just one parent ... then it would be only 25%? and if so, can not be assured that this 25% is necessarily the same 50% that I share with my father ...
so we can have this more or less shared percentage of genes ...
and all these thoughts without getting into the likeness between cousins ... with which I would share 25% ... and among my second cousins would be 12.5% and with my third cousins with the 6.25%... ?
but what happen with my half-cousins from dad? with them would be 6.25%?
uyyy ...
what a crazy number of branches from my genealogic tree .... Isn’t it?
And so on... leaving outside numbers ... only gestures ... looking at the photos of my kids and their cousins, ... no matter whether they are first cousins (children of their paternal side) and half first cousins (maternal side of my children meaning from my side) ... There share so many traits... and it is difficult to know which millimeter belongs to one family and which millimeter is shared with the other side of the family, like smiles, gestures, even guessed movements on the photos ...
... digging deeper ... looking at photos of the children of my cousins ... there are still shared traits with my children .... that would be with their second cousins .... still more complicate they are their half second cousins....
at long last ...
Inheritance is printed in the depths of our being, it is unconsciously transmitted from generation to generation, and it is a clear mark of our genes, like a book that have recorded all our family history ...
if it were possible to read it thoroughly and with great detail, I would be fascinated...
I repeat for one more time that having family contact experience is a complete delight!

always.... I constantly thought that I don’t look as Chinese as they see me...
but in recent months I have learned that I am not the only from my family with this feature ...
There are some genes that have passed through us and have became visible from several generations ago ...
Such as the slant down of the mouth as if I hardly smile .... (well, almost ... almost ...), the smaller eye than the other ... fatty legs .... the marking on the forehead frown ....
So on, an endless list of features that have been always present on my physical appearance…
And during the last year have been very obvious ....
and many other characteristics that call my attention as blood type, tendency to physical weaknesses, ailment, diseases, vision problems, dental issues ... (from there this post started!)
Also, yesterday (weeell... ok ... I have to confess ... this early morning...), I was talking with Luis and Jorge Enrique about the similarities among father and siblings ... and today without going so deep in the subject, I think that some shared genes facilitate specific skills, preferences, ways to respond (character and temperament, eh?), likes and dislikes ... and other countless items, which from my point of view, their analysis would be more interesting because I have not received the same stimuli from the environment where my siblings grown up ... and still they have been present as features of our personalities, characters, predilections for certain activities, the way how we react to each situation in particular .... it would be a fascinating research project ...
If I go by the famous Mendel’s law ...
How much genetic information I share with my family?
50% with my mother and 50% with my father?
with my grandparents 25%?
with my brothers ... would be 50%? ..... but since they are brothers from just one parent ... then it would be only 25%? and if so, can not be assured that this 25% is necessarily the same 50% that I share with my father ...
so we can have this more or less shared percentage of genes ...
and all these thoughts without getting into the likeness between cousins ... with which I would share 25% ... and among my second cousins would be 12.5% and with my third cousins with the 6.25%... ?
but what happen with my half-cousins from dad? with them would be 6.25%?
uyyy ...
what a crazy number of branches from my genealogic tree .... Isn’t it?
And so on... leaving outside numbers ... only gestures ... looking at the photos of my kids and their cousins, ... no matter whether they are first cousins (children of their paternal side) and half first cousins (maternal side of my children meaning from my side) ... There share so many traits... and it is difficult to know which millimeter belongs to one family and which millimeter is shared with the other side of the family, like smiles, gestures, even guessed movements on the photos ...
... digging deeper ... looking at photos of the children of my cousins ... there are still shared traits with my children .... that would be with their second cousins .... still more complicate they are their half second cousins....
at long last ...
Inheritance is printed in the depths of our being, it is unconsciously transmitted from generation to generation, and it is a clear mark of our genes, like a book that have recorded all our family history ...
if it were possible to read it thoroughly and with great detail, I would be fascinated...
I repeat for one more time that having family contact experience is a complete delight!
7 comentarios:
Si que es curioso lo de los parecidos, yo tengo una prima a la que me parezco muchisimo mas que a mis hermanas, a las que por otra parte no me parezco nada. se ha llegado a dar el caso curioso que alguien que hacia mucho tiempo que nos nos veia, nos ha llamado a mi por su nombre o a ella por el mio.
En Argentina cuando Jorge Enrique compra algo en algún negocio chino o coreano le hacen descuento porque le dicen que son de la misma colectividad
oohhhh.. Marisina...
ahora me has hecho recordar que cuando una tia politica mía entro a una habitación donde estábamos viendo diapositivas de cuando yo era pequeña.... se quedo pensativa tratando de recordar cuando su hija, mi prima, a quien le llevo 12 años, había estado en esos sitios...
y siii..l a verdad nos parecemos...voy a buscar una foto de las dos y la pongo en el carelibro para que nos chismosees...
y no se si sabes que también me parezco a la prima de Cris E. jajjjaa...
todos vemos con ojos diferentes ... cuentame tu como ves eso de los parecidos y los porcentajes genéticos en este novelón???
China la gualdi?? ahora eres.. gauldichina?? jajajajaja
mira q esto delos genes si es como para ponerse a pensar..... donde vivimos en otras vidas?? .. dicen q uno siempre trae un poco de cada sitio donde ha estado.....
Un beso amigaaaa
Chinita?? jiiij ay mi Gualdis.
si que es interesante esto de la genetica, pero a mi nunca se me hubiera ocurrido ahondar tanto en ello, jejjeje
sssiiii...china y muy juiciosita... la cosa es saber quien es el ancestro chino que tenemos... pues hasta el momento no ha aparecido... debe ser de la época en que no había forma de fotografiar al chinito de la familia...
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